1.Channel (tabs): Used to “isolate” conversations. Access to a channel is permission based
2.Tasks: Displays action items relevant to the session. Example, complete intubation form.
3.Activity/Comments: Displays session related activities and also is a medium for free text/conversation pertinent to session.
4.Task-Graph: Infographic depicting progress of tasks added vs tasks completed
5.Details: This tab/page contains the data collected based upon the type of session initiated (session template).
6.Overview: Convenience item for tracking progress of the session.
7.Linked Sessions: Sessions linked to the parent/original session by session ID (i.e. record No.)
8.Forms: Any Form (built in Forms and linked to template) associated with the session, via task or any other trigger, will display here.
9.Members Assigned: Listing all the individuals whom have access to the content of the session.
10.Files: Add files (drag-and-drop ready) relative to session. Example, video file of intubation or PDF of an EMR.
Related Articles: Add a Session Manually, Can I Reopen a Closed Session?
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